Sunday, December 31, 2023

“Obsessed with space conquest”… a book reveals new secrets about Elon Musk

 A new book about the biography of billionaire Elon Musk will be released on Tuesday in the United States, showing the head of “Tesla” and “X” network (formerly Twitter) and “SpaceX” obsessed with space conquest, and having harsh methods of management devoid of any sense of empathy

The author Walter Isaacson, who has previously published other successful biographies, one of them about the co-founder of “Apple” Steve Jobs (2011), had an unprecedented opportunity to meet Musk, as he had meetings on several occasions with the controversial businessman

In excerpts from the book, which bears the name Elon Musk as its title, published by American media outlets that have seen it, the author notes that the businessman has an obsession with making humans inhabitants of “multiple planets” through his space company “SpaceX”

The author adds that Musk considers what is called “woke virus”, which is the active efforts to enhance the position of minorities and defend them, to herald the obstruction of colonizing other planets, especially Mars, because it is “against humanity in general” and must be “stopped”

Walter Isaacson describes the richest man in the world as a “big child” imprinted with his childhood, during which he was constantly subjected to harassment at school

Elon Musk tells his biographer about Asperger’s syndrome, which was diagnosed with him, which is one of the forms of autism, and admits that it is the cause of his weakness in “decoding the emotional signals” in his dealings with others

The author points out that Musk, whose origins go back to South Africa, “is attracted to the storm and drama”, and is subject to “emotional fluctuations that cannot be predicted” that are reflected in the way he manages the companies he heads

The book cites several examples of Elon Musk’s anger attacks, who gets angry when his employees do not meet his expectations and may not hesitate to humiliate them if they resist him

Musk’s former partner, singer Grimes, tells the author that the billionaire moves to the “demonic state” when he expresses his displeasure, considering it a state that “generates a lot of chaos”

Isaacson reveals that the Canadian artist has a third child from Elon Musk through surrogacy, while the former partners have not yet disclosed more than two children

Thus, the number of Elon Musk’s living known children rises to ten, including two from an official in his company “Neuralink” who donated sperm to her

The author quotes Shifon Zelis, the mother of these twins born in 2021, as saying that Musk “wants people to have children”

Bayern Munich legend’s health deteriorates after heart attack

 German media reports revealed that the legend Franz Beckenbauer is in a difficult health condition and is deteriorating in the recent period

The 78-year-old did not appear in the stands of the Allianz Arena as he used to for a long time, and his brother confirmed before that he was not well

Beckenbauer suffered a heart attack in his eye before the World Cup in Qatar last year and could not see anything with his right eye, according to the German newspaper “Bild”, and he could not support his country’s team

The German newspaper confirmed that the legend Beckenbauer’s condition is deteriorating and does not witness any rise during the recent period, although it was improving in the past

The newspaper pointed out that the legend of Bayern Munich retired from public life and now lives in Austria, but he has been in the hospital for weeks

Schengen visa to enter the European Union countries

    People who want to apply for a visa to visit the countries of the European Schengen area will soon be able to do so on an electronic platform, according to an amendment adopted by the European foreign ministers on Monday

This shift towards digitization of the process means that there is no longer a need for those who want to obtain a visa to have a sticker on their passport, i.e. no need to allocate appointments at the consulates or offices that provide this service

This change, which was revealed after a long legislative process, will come into effect after the completion of the technical work on the visa platform, which is expected to take months, and then publish it in the administrative journal of the European Union, which is expected to be soon

Saturday, December 30, 2023

 Trading and Profits from the Internet

The internet has revolutionized the way people trade and make profits. Trading is the act of buying and selling goods or services, either online or offline. Profits are the financial gains that result from trading activities. In this essay, I will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of trading and making profits from the internet, as well as some tips and strategies for successful online trading

One of the main advantages of trading and making profits from the internet is that it offers a wide range of opportunities and markets. The internet allows traders to access global markets, such as forex, stocks, commodities, cryptocurrencies, and more, with just a few clicks. The internet also enables traders to find and compare different products, prices, and suppliers, and to choose the best deals and offers. Moreover, the internet provides traders with various tools and resources, such as online platforms, software, apps, courses, forums, blogs, and podcasts, that can help them learn, improve, and optimize their trading skills and strategies

Another advantage of trading and making profits from the internet is that it is convenient and flexible. The internet allows traders to trade anytime and anywhere, as long as they have a device and an internet connection. The internet also gives traders more control and freedom over their trading activities, as they can decide when, where, how, and what to trade, according to their preferences, goals, and risk appetite. Furthermore, the internet reduces the costs and barriers of trading, such as commissions, fees, taxes, regulations, intermediaries, and physical limitations, making it more accessible and affordable for anyone who wants to trade and make profits

However, trading and making profits from the internet also has some disadvantages and challenges. One of the main disadvantages of trading and making profits from the internet is that it is risky and uncertain. The internet exposes traders to various risks, such as market volatility, price fluctuations, fraud, scams, hacking, phishing, identity theft, and cyberattacks, that can cause them to lose money, data, or reputation. The internet also makes it difficult for traders to verify the credibility, quality, and security of the products, services, and sources they deal with, as there is a lot of misinformation, deception, and manipulation online. Moreover, the internet creates a lot of competition and pressure for traders, as they have to compete with millions of other traders, both professional and amateur, who may have more experience, knowledge, skills, or resources than them   

Another disadvantage of trading and making profits from the internet is that it is demanding and stressful. The internet requires traders to be constantly updated, alert, and responsive, as the market conditions and trends can change rapidly and unexpectedly. The internet also demands traders to be disciplined, patient, and rational, as they have to cope with the emotional and psychological aspects of trading, such as fear, greed, anxiety, frustration, and boredom, that can affect their decision-making and performance. Furthermore, the internet poses a threat to the health and well-being of traders, as they may suffer from physical, mental, or social problems, such as eye strain, headaches, insomnia, fatigue, addiction, isolation, or depression, due to the excessive and prolonged use of the internet

Therefore, trading and making profits from the internet has both pros and cons, and it is not suitable for everyone. To succeed in trading and making profits from the internet, traders need to have a clear and realistic plan, a reliable and secure system, a sufficient and diversified capital, a suitable and consistent method, and a positive and resilient attitude. Traders also need to educate themselves, practice regularly, monitor their progress, evaluate their results, and learn from their mistakes. Trading and making profits from the internet can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience, if done properly and responsibly

TikTok has faced scrutiny from U.S.

  TikTok, a popular short-video platform owned by the Chinese company ByteDance, has faced scrutiny from U.S. authorities over concerns rela...